This page is dedicated to Cacti, the awesome open source network graphing software based on RRDTool. My interest started with MRTG, and carried forward to Cacti some years ago. I have found Cacti easy to work with (after you get it setup) and have run it in production several times in different environments. Having a virtual appliance that can easily be deployed for free has been a lifesaver to me more than once. Since I have already done this work I figured I would share it out publicly in the hopes that others can learn more about Cacti and have something useful come of it.
This is not intended to be one size fits all, but a leg up on getting the system running easily. You will need to work this to your needs and make changes as necessary. I am here to assist as I can, but I don’t have the expertise to help with every aspect of Cacti, CentOS.
Installing new Cacti:
You can install Cacti from scratch if you wish on AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, CentOS7 using my installer script. Either of these are great options. With CentOS7 being end of support in 2024, I highly recommend either Alma or Rocky. For instructions…
Installing new SmokePing:
You can install SmokePing from scratch if you wish on CentOS7 using my installer script. You must have installed Cacti previously with my script. For instructions…
Upgrading existing Cacti:
You can upgrade an existing Cacti installation either from a clean install via my installer, or on my Cacti Virtual Appliance. For instructions…
You can download a working Cacti install on a CentOS7 virtual machine for ESX/VirtualBox. This OVA has some additional tweaks/templates/settings and add-ons that you will not get with my installation script. Most notable of these is SmokePing which gives advanced network latency visualizations. The upgrade script is also setup to upgrade SmokePing when new versions become available.
Current Virtual Appliance download
Need help?
For help with the installation script, upgrade script, or virtual appliance, please check theGitHub wiki or search/submit an issue
For issues with the Cacti software itself please check out the Cacti Forums
New virtual appliance template uploaded today. This moves the baseline to be AlmaLinux instead of CentOS7 as that is due to be end of support in 2024. All scripts tested and working.
Cacti v1.2.17 released today. Scrips updated to match along with a few adjustments and additions.
New Cacti v1.2.15 released today. Scripts updated to match.
New Cacti v1.2.9 released yesterday! Scripts updated to match.
New Cacti v1.2.8 released yesterday! This time it really probably might be the last 1.2.x release before v1.3.
New Cacti v1.2.7 released yesterday by The Cacti Group. The upgrade script has been updated to match in GitHub. This will likely be the last 1.2.x release before v1.3! Give it a try!
New Cacti v1.2.5 released by The Cacti Group. Kevin’s upgrade/install scrips updated to match in GitHub.
Cacti v1.2.4 released! Upgrade script updated.