I’m having trouble getting USB to work on one of my ESX 4.0 hosts. I did a bunch of research and found that in the initial release of ESX 4 USB was ‘supposed’ to work but didn’t. All the posts I read indicated that this was fixed in subsequent releases so I went about the task of upgrading my host to the newest release.
After quite a bit of fiddling I was able to get Update 3 installed. After this I still have not had any luck getting my USB device to connect. I’m tryinmg to connect a Serial to USB adapter so that I can connect to a Cisco console cable, or other serial devices. I do have it working just over the regular com/serial port onboard, but I want it to work via USB so that I can more easily move the connection around to other boxes/laptops/etc.
Much of the info that I read dealt with USB HDs so perhaps they work but not these other types of devices/adapters? If anyone has any ideas I sure would appreciate it!