After nearly 9 years working at the same place, several things fell into place indicating the time was right to move to a new challenge. It was hard to leave all the people behind, and also stressful starting a new job. My new company is a small software startup, and I was about the 17th employee. The people are great, and it is a nice relaxed atmosphere. It is an exicitng business space, and there is a lot of energy around what we are trying to do.
There is no other IT staff, and they probably needed a person a year ago, so there is a lot to be done. I need to split out the Small Business Server to get Exchange, AD, Sharepoint, SQL and everything else out on its own. I need to setup a VM environment for the dev team and QA. There needs to be some desktop imaging solution for all the growth that they say is coming. I just hope that they can prioritize what they want done first and that everyone else can understand that there is no quick way to do things right. The age of zip-ties and duct tape is over!
More to come about the new environment and its challenges.