I’ve been working on one of my other blogs trying to get the preload function working in WP Super Cache. It seems pretty straight forward, but for some reason there are a couple of issues.
First, the timed preload of cache files does not seem to work reliably. I had set it to 30 minutes with email notifications, and it would only go once, or twice at the most. Beyond that it would just not do anything at all. Once, I even turned off the scheduled preload and it did it anyway!
Secondly, even when doing a manual preload of the cache, the preloaded files get removed from the cache even though the description clearly indicates that supercache files from the preload will not be removed by the garbage collection. I even went so far as to disable the GC with the same result.
I’ve created a forum post with the hopes of getting some help. I’ll keep this updated as things hopefully progress…